Friday, April 5, 2013

DAE Game Jam

Well, time really does fly! One week of my vacation already gone!
The week before, we did a game jam at school. The theme was our own course, DAE (Digital Arts & Entertainment).

Our game, called DAE-Rush, is about a student who didn't really work hard enough, and now only has a few days to pass his courses. Every time you "study" a course, this is presented as some WarioWare-like minigames. Time passes and you lose energy, which you have to recover by sleeping, otherwise you'll get a burnout.

First, we started in Construct 2, because the game is in 2D, so we thought it would be easier. (We never used it before, but we saw people use it and it looked pretty neat.) We had to learn a bit how it worked, but we were making progress.
Then, at the end of the second day, we got a warning: "The free version only supports 100 events." Whoops. Always read the small lines, lesson learned the hard way.

And so we had one day left to start over in Unity3D. It's not finished, but it works, and I'm pretty happy for the first game jam I ever did! :) I really enjoyed it, even though it is pretty intensive.

If you install the Unity Webplayer-plugin (or already have it), you can test out the game right here!

(Well, that took quite some time to get it implemented. Got the code from this site.)

We were a team of 3 programmers and 2 artists. I mainly worked on the "hub", the room with the buttons and the energy bar, and a lot of UI stuff.



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