Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Start to Pomodoro!

Hi all! I haven't been very productive lately, and I'd like to change that... When I was reading an article, I stumbled upon the "Pomodoro technique". It seems to work well for a lot of people to be more productive and less stressed. I was intrigued... Hit the jump to learn more about it!

In short: the idea is that you work in bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. After 4 of these, you can take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This helps to keep the brain focused.
You also need to estimate how many "pomodoros" (25 minutes of work) a task will take, so you can plan your day. This way, the technique should also help you to become better at estimating and planning.
Eventually, you will try to do the same amount of work/studying in less pomodoros, thus being more efficient.

For more information I'd like to refer to their official video and website:

So, I'm going to give it a try, starting today! I'll report about it here, on my blog, sharing what tools I use and whether it works for me. If you have any advice or experience with this technique, feel free to post in the comments. :)

Let's start to Pomodoro! :-D


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